Electrical Fires and Failures : A Prevention and Troubleshooting Guide

Title: Electrical Fires and Failures : A Prevention and Troubleshooting Guide
Author: A.A. Hattangadi
ISBN: 0074631659 / 9780074631652
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 290
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock

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Fires resulting from failure of electrical equipment are fairly common. A close scrutiny of such fires often reveals that the origin of most of the electrical fires lies either in poor connectors and terminal boards or in defective protective gear such as fuses. Any electrical installation consists of components and materials which have been manufactured, processed and installed by a large number of units. The defect which is responsible for a fire may have been introduced at any one of these centres.

Most of the electrical fires can be prevented through improvements in installation and design of minor components and correct design and maintenance of protective gear.

The author of this immensely though-provoking book points out that Zero Failure Performance is a realistic and easily attainable target. The book gives a number of simple DOs and DON?T s which the supervisors and engineers can follow to attain the goal of zero failure performance.

Written in an easy and non-jargonistic style, the book should be of tremendous use to front-line electrical supervisors, engineers and managers of all industries which generate, distribute, and utilize electrical energy. The text is suitably aided by a number of illustrations, charts, tables and photographs.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Terminology
Chapter 3 : Electrical Fires
Chapter 4 : Transformer Failures
Chapter 5 : Failures of Electrical Connectors and Terminals
Chapter 6 : Overheating/Burning of Crimped Sockets
Chapter 7 : Failures of Plug/Socket Connectors
Chapter 8 : Fractures of Crimped Sockets
Chapter 9 : Failures of Wire Strands
Chapter 10 : Failure of Insulation on Connector Cables
Chapter 11 : Failures of Terminal Boards
Chapter 12 : Failures of Welded Brazed and Soldered joints
Chapter 13 : Metal Fatigue
Chapter 14 : Metal Creep
Chapter 15 : Electrical Contact Resistance
Chapter 16 : Shrinkage of Non-Metallic Materials
Chapter 17 : Thermal Degradation of Insulating Materials
Chapter 18 : Electrical Tracking
Chapter 19 : Investigation of Failures and Fires
Chapter 20 : Role of the Management-Materials and Training

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Selected Readings and Terms