Condition Assessment of Aged Structures

Title: Condition Assessment of Aged Structures
Author: J.K. Paik, R.E. Melchers
ISBN: 1845693345 / 9781845693343
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 384
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
Year: 2008
Availability: Out of Stock

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Any structural system in service is subject to age-related deterioration, leading to potential concerns regarding
maintenance, health & safety, environmental and economic implications. Condition Assessment of Aged Structures is
an invaluable, single source of information on structural assessment techniques for marine and land-based structures
such as ships, offshore installations, industrial plant and buildings. Topics covered include:

  • Current practices and standards for structural condition assessment
  • Fundamental mechanisms and advanced mathematical methods for predicting structural deterioration
  • Residual strength assessment of deteriorated structures
  • Inspection and maintenance of aged structures
  • Reliability and risk assessment of aged structures

Professionals from a broad range of disciplines will be able to gain a better understanding of current practices in the
field, how to apply the latest advanced design and development technologies in condition assessment, and what future
trends might be.

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Part I : Current Practics
Chapter 1 : Current Practices in Condition Assessment of Aged Ships and Floating Offshore Structures
Chapter 2 : Current Practices in Condition Assessment of Aged Fixed-Type Offshore Structures
Chapter 3 : Definition and Assessment of Deficiencies in Building Construction

Part II : Mechanicsms, Mathematical Models and Preventive Measures for Age Related Deterioration
Chapter 4 : Corrosion Wastage in Aged Structures
Chapter 5 : Fatigue Cracking in Aged Structures
Chapter 6 : Local Denting and Other Deterioration in Aged Structures

Part III : Residual Strength of Aged Strutures
Chapter 7 : Corroded Structures and Residual Strength
Chapter 8 : Cracked Structures and Residual Strength
Chapter 9 : Dented Structures and Residual Strength

Part IV : Reliability of Aged Structures
Chapter 10 : Reliability of Aged Ship Structures
Chapter 11 : Reliability of Aged Offshore Structures
Chapter 12 : Reliability of Aged Land-Based Structures

Part V : Inspection and Maintenance
Chapter 13 : Inspection of Aged Ships and Offshore Structures
Chapter 14 : Inspection of Aged Land-Based Structures
Chapter 15 : Maintenance of Aged Ships and Offshore Structures
Chapter 16 : Maintenance of Aged Land-Based Structures
Chapter 17 : Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance of Aged Structures